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Unlocking Success: The Power of Planning Assumptions

Focus is a powerful thing. It dictates so much as we reach for desired outcomes when taking on any challenge. The right strategic focus puts you on the smartest path for moving your career and company forward… Faster

Today, we're going to explore the four levels that companies can choose to spend their leadership focus and energies on. These levels represent a ladder of strategic focus, and as we climb this ladder, we discover a path from an average company to becoming one of an elite group of successfully managed companies.

The Ladder of Strategic Focus


LEVEL ONE: Budgets 

Most companies begin their journey here, focusing primarily on financial planning and budgeting. While budgets are crucial for resource allocation, they only scratch the surface of effective leadership.

LEVEL TWO: Activities

At this stage, companies start shifting their attention toward specific activities and tasks. They dive deeper into operational planning, identifying key projects and initiatives that drive their business forward.

LEVEL THREE: Management by Objectives or Key Performance Indicators

Companies operating at this level align their activities with broader organizational goals. MBOs or KPIs foster a results-oriented approach, where leaders set objectives, define key performance indicators, and empower their teams to achieve those objectives. While this level represents a significant step forward, there is still more to conquer.

LEVEL FOUR: Planning Assumptions

This is where the elite group of successfully managed companies resides. At this level, leadership energies are invested in defining the fundamental assumptions that guide your entire department, division or organization's strategic decision-making process.

Companies at this elite level understand that effective planning assumptions encompass market trends, customer behavior, technological advancements, and even unforeseen disruptions. By deeply understanding these assumptions, they can proactively shape their strategies and day-to-day activities to seize opportunities before their competitors.

The benefits of reaching this top level are immense. Companies that prioritize planning assumptions enjoy a competitive edge, adapt quickly to changing environments, and consistently outperform their peers. Their leadership energies are focused on proactive, long-term thinking that guides day-to-day actions rather than reactive firefighting.

It's essential for companies to recognize that climbing this ladder requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to strategically focused leadership. Moving beyond budgets and activities may seem challenging, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Prioritizing Planning Assumptions

Now that we understand the importance of planning assumptions, let's explore what you can do to prioritize them within your area of responsibility.

Whether you’re a CEO, or a department or division leader, even an emerging leader on a career growth track... You can exemplify the value of planning assumptions and prioritize forward-thinking, data-driven approaches.

Here are 8 ways that you can do it:

  1. Communicate. Start by communicating the significance of planning assumptions to your team. Explain how they contribute to strategic decision-making and help navigate uncertainties. Emphasize the benefits of being proactive and prepared for future challenges and opportunities.
  2. Incorporate Assumptions In Discussions: When discussing goals, initiatives, or strategies with your team, consciously bring up planning assumptions. Encourage open dialogue around the assumptions that underpin these discussions. This demonstrates that you value their input and that decisions are not made in isolation but with careful consideration of key factors.
  3. Encourage Data Collection and Analysis: Promote a culture of gathering and analyzing relevant data. Encourage your team to seek out information, conduct research, and leverage data to validate or challenge existing assumptions. Emphasize the importance of basing decisions on evidence rather than intuition. Even use this old saying to make your point... In God we Trust, All Others Bring Facts.
  4. Conduct Scenario Planning Exercises: Organize brainstorming sessions where your team can collaboratively develop and analyze various scenarios based on different assumptions. Encourage creative thinking and challenge your team to consider a wide range of possibilities. These exercises help foster strategic thinking and prepares your team for potential future challenges.
  5. Seek External Perspectives: Engage with external experts, industry professionals, or mentors who can provide insights and challenge your assumptions. Encourage your team to attend relevant conferences, workshops, or webinars to broaden their perspectives and stay updated on industry trends.
  6. Celebrate Learning and Adaptability: Encourage a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. Celebrate instances where your team successfully adjusted their plans based on new information or changing assumptions. This reinforces the value of flexibility and demonstrates that being open to revising assumptions leads to better outcomes.
  7. Provide Resources and Training: Invest in resources and training opportunities that enable your team to improve their strategic thinking and analysis skills. This could include providing access to industry publications, online courses, or workshops focused on strategic thinking and scenario analysis.
  8. Recognize and Reward Strategic Thinking: Acknowledge and reward team members who demonstrate exceptional strategic thinking and contribute to the refinement of planning assumptions. This recognition reinforces the importance of forward-thinking and encourages others to follow suit.

By implementing these 8 strategies, even in a smaller-scale setting, you can lead by example and demonstrate the value of planning assumptions in your decision-making processes. Your team will learn from your approach and be inspired to adopt a more strategic and data-driven mindset.

Introducing the Planning Assumptions Windshield Template

Before closing, let me tell you about my Critical Planning Assumptions Windshield Template. Leave a comment if you would like more information on this template!

The Planning Assumptions Windshield Template is a framework for a 1-hour team meeting... once a month - 12 times a year. The template helps facilitate a disciplined thinking process that includes identifying the assumption categories you want to focus on that impact your area of responsibility.

Learn to identify the trends within each assumption category. How to measure the impact of the trend as well as emphasize the trigger point for any actions you should be taking. I can even show you how to prepare your team to think on their own, so they are ready with quality input for your monthly sessions. Are you interested in learning more? Let me know and I'll share more about this template in a future video. 

All that being said, I can personally work with you to integrate all this with your team and leave you with a process you’re able to manage on your own. Just contact me if you want to explore further.

In closing...If you're a leader, or aspire to become one, I challenge you to take the next step in your career and company building journey.

Embrace the power of planning assumptions, elevate your disciplined thinking, and join the elite group of successfully managed companies.


With a track record of operational success, Pat Alacqua founded the Entrepreneur To Enterprise Program. The platform provides insights into overcoming business challenges by offering practical tips, strategies, and best practices that accelerate your professional career growth and business-building success.

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